Call for papers #1

The aim of the workshop series is to bring together researchers that are interested in historical aspects of all areas of speech communication research (SCR).

Speech has been investigated from different perspectives, which necessitates a range of approaches and scientific methods. Previous contributions analyzed the contextual background of individual researchers or investigated how specific research practices developed over time. However, what is equally worth examination is the approach of researchers to their material. The special focus of the 4th workshop will thus be on the link between the form (sound) and the meaning (sense) in speech communication research exemplified through its history, particularly the relationship between SCR on the one hand, and affective psychology, pragmatics or semantics in broader sense on the other. After all, studying the sound structure of human speech without a regard to communicative meanings is not only incomplete, but also difficult to integrate into the wider scientific knowledge.

Contributions on other topics from the history of SCR will also be welcome.